Julie Hogan

Soulistic Therapy


TALK – Psychotherapy

Talking helps us understand, make meaning of our experiences.  “A problem shared is a problem halved” as the old saying goes.  Through talking we can help our mind, our mental body to understand patterns in our lives, family dynamics, or to understand how events and traumas have impacted us, our behaviours, our relationships, our quality of life.

MOVE – Yoga

Sometimes, however, while the mental body logically understands problems, traumas and griefs that we have experienced – we are still being affected by past events.  We are still hurting and perhaps that is sometimes in a literal sense.  The emotional body, which is another part of us that experiences emotions, can struggle to let go even though the mental body has reached an understanding.

This is akin to saying that even though we understand something in our head, say a traumatic event, we can still experience uncontrollable emotions and reactions around it.

Traumas, losses and events that happen in childhood or during the course of our lives can be held in the emotional body then in turn can be held in the physical body too.

Through movement of the physical body with yoga and using conscious breath this can help to encourage previously unconscious emotions to the surface to be worked with and released.  The movement of the body combined with breath allows us to come out of Mind and down into our body and emotions.  Yoga brings us into a place of balance between Mind and body through use of movement and breath.

We journey thorough the chakras, also known as energy centres in the body, releasing old or stagnant emotions which can occur through ages and developmental stages.  Indeed, the chakra system develops with us as we grow and reach developmental milestones from children to adolescents and on into adult life.

INTEGRATE – to combine the understanding we have gained in the mental body through talking psychotherapy with the linking of the emotions and the feelings arising from the movement and breath of the physical body. This can also arise from the noticing of how the body feels as we are speaking, where the physical feelings are located in the body, which emotions are arising as we speak. ****add here info on how you bring shamanisim and pranic healing into the practice for integration of mind and body***

How Soulistic Therapy Works for You

Soulistic Therapy was born out of my own personal journey from training in talk therapy, seeing the emotional healing and transformational effects of the practice of yoga and meditation and the activation of the inner healer and teacher through the shamanic work. Soulistic Therapy is combining all these modalities so that the client can understand and heal mind, heart and soul.  It is the awakening of our own inner wisdom and our own inner healer.

It is a journey from the thinking mind (the mental body), through the heart (the emotional body) and into the Soul.

I begin with traditional psychotherapy in the first session (or several sessions early in the process depending on the Client’s needs) which is taking the client’s history and discovering what they would like to or need to work on during our time together.

In subsequent sessions I add in working with the physical body – so movement through yoga, breath work or sometimes just becoming aware of what is arising in the physical and emotional body.

In the later sessions I incorporate working in the shamanic way which is help the Client undertake a shamanic journey to awaken their own inner wisdom.  The shamanic journey (to the sound of drumming) is similar to going into meditation but has fundamental differences.


I am passionate about weaving together the integration of mind, body and emotional health as a powerful emerging modality for transformation. Having witnessed the successful impact of this integration in my own life and many others, I truly believe this  synthesis can create powerful change in every willing person.

For further information please contact me on – 085 2562101 or email at juliehogantherapy@gmail.com
